Monday, May 12, 2014

A ninth spellsong!

It is the first eight seconds here.

I have transcribed it as "Seilei colfin ar kadram tro...."

Who this belongs to is unknown.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Digital Viginette: Gemdust Cave

"This is it. Gemdust Cave," Miresa announced as they approached the entrance to a large, gray, and rocky cavern. Although the path ahead was dark, there were the occasional gleams of light sparkling from the inside.

"Are those lights from gems?" Arune asked as she flitted by Miresa. Miresa nodded.

"Yes. Bradlin and I like to come to this cave often. This place is a huge source of Gemdust, which as you know, is what we use to uncover gems that lie in the Aoi River," she explained. As they got further in the cave, the light from the gemdust lit the cave in a light blue hue.

"I can actually see now!" Arune exclaimed.

"Some of the enemies in here carry Gemdust on them. So let's be on the lookout," Miresa added. But Arune's wings twitched as she felt the wind of an approaching earth bat.

"Watch out!" Arune cried. The bat barely missed Miresa as she ducked from its approaching dive. The bat's wings were covered in a rocky crust, symbolizing its Earth element. The bat raised its wings and flapped them violently, releasing a screeching supersonic wave.

"Be careful, Arune!" Miresa shouted over the loud roar of the waves.

"I've had enough of this!" Arune exclaimed. "Foam Shower!" She yelled as she raised her tiny rapier at the bat. Blue magical energy swirled around the sword and soon turned into a foamy water. She swung her sword, making the water fly towards the bat.

The ball of water exploded upon hitting the bat, resulting in a large splash. The sonic waves subsided as the bat fell to the ground. "Good job, Arune!" Miresa said as she walked over to the bat's remains. Light glittered from the wings of the bat.

"Is that what I think it is?" Arune asked as she flitted towards the substance.

"Yes, that's Gemdust," Miresa explained as she gathered the dust into a small bag. She tied a rope around the top of the bag and shook it. "We have what we came for, but how about we continue ahead? There may be some rare jewels deeper in the cave."

"Sure! The day is still young after all," Arune replied as they both continued through the glittering cavern......

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Idea: Field spells

One new idea we are considering is the addition of HM-like field spells--if we go ahead with this idea, what kinds of field spells would you want to see (besides the obvious healing spells)?

If it's a bad idea, why do you believe it is a bad idea? ("Because it's terrible" and the derivatives thereof are not acceptable answers, because it doesn't answer WHY you believe it is a bad idea--and if we know why, we can better tweak the idea)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A New Beginning...

The story

Now with a new prologue and a walking tour of the new Telrain.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Miresa's Diary

One major change we're making in this draft is in how to remind people what they should be doing--a journal system--or rather, Miresa's diary

Check it out here.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

First Look: New Forest of Dawn

Here's a sneak peek at the new Forest of Dawn. You'll notice that it has more winding paths now, which should encourage players to explore off the beaten path.

Take a look

Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Feature: Inns

In Shokiyu, not only will inns provide a place to recover your HP, but they will also be a useful source of knowledge.

Talk to the NPCs in the inns. You will get useful information that may or may not be limited to:

- Information about what you should be doing
- Information about Shokiyu
- Silly rumors and gossip
- Information about potential sidequests

Saturday, January 25, 2014

We're alive, but...

...we're starting the game over again.

From my partner:

"So. We're starting over.

I feel that the old draft had way too many errors, and I think starting anew after so long will give me space to be able to redo everything in a more neat manner.

I hope you guys stay tuned for more Gemsinger Updates.

There will be many changes from the old version.

Such include:

More sidequests
More in-depth battle system
Characters will have a bigger role


That said, I'm hoping that this year we can at the very least get a working and playable demo out to you, the fans.

I'm committed to seeing the game (and its novelization) through to the end--I wouldn't give up on Shokiyu after working and tweaking and refining it for five years now.

Rest assured, I haven't given up on Miresa and friends--after her story ends, I have ideas for other stories (and possibly other games) in Shokiyu.

For now, Miresa and  co.are back and ready for more adventures in 2014. 
