Saturday, February 28, 2009

Concerning magia users...

Our first question on magia users themselves:

Is there a numerical limit to the number of wizards in the world? Why?

If we define wizard as a magic user in general, then no; there is not--any being can potentially use magia because the Twelve Stones constantly generate it.

If we define wizard as a high powered wielder of magia, then yes, there is a sort of limit--only 144 wizards (the twelve Holders (guardians) of the Twelve Stones, and each Holder's twelve attendants) have access to the very high powered spells--the kinds that can wreck havoc on the world if put in the wrong hands. Potential candidates go through a rigorous application process that includes a written exam, a spellcasting demonstration, an interview, and a quest determined by the Holder (if the candidate is applying for an attendant), or the High Seer (if the attendant is applying to be a Holder), among other things

Friday, February 27, 2009

The rules of magia, day 15

Last question on this topic:

What is the price magicians pay in order to be magicians?

In order to harness magia properly, a wielder usually undergoes several years of training to hone their skills and learn to manage magia induced fatigue.

My next set of questions have to do with magic users themselves

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The rules of magia, day 14

Can the ability to do magic be forcibly taken away? If so, how and by whom?

Yes, but only when it is found that someone is using magia improperly. It is usually done by the Seer, by casting the spell Mystical Bane, a Spirit elemental spell that forms a magical lock around the target's heart, trapping the magia inside and preventing it from being sensed

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The rules of magia, day 13

Can the ability to do magic be lost? If so, how -- overdoing it, "burning out," brain damage due to fever or a blow, magical attack, etc.?

While an innate power cannot be lost naturally, influencing powers can shift, making a person lose the ability to cast magia of one element, and gain the ability to cast magia of a new element (that still compliments their innate power)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The rules of magia, day 12

Does a magician's magical ability or power change over time -- e.g., growing stronger or weaker during puberty, or with increasing age? Can a magician "use up" all of his/her magic, thus ceasing to be a magician? If this happens, what does the ex-magician do--die, retire, take up teaching, go into a second career?

When someone's magia first awakens, it is not very strong--as the wielder grows and keeps using it, it will grow stronger.

Magia can never be used up, as the Twelve Stones are constantly generating it.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The rules of magia, Day 11

Are certain kinds of magic practiced solely or chiefly by one sex or another? By one race or culture or another?

Magia is practiced among both genders, but herbalism and potion making were traditionally female jobs untill around 200 years ago, when the rulers of the 5 races began recognizing male herbalists and apothecaries.

Likewise, all five races are able to use all three kinds of magic.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The rules of magia, day 10

What general varieties of magic are practiced (e.g., herbal potions, ritual magic, alchemical magic, demonology, necromancy, etc.)? Do any work better than others, or does only one variety actually work?

Besides magia, potion brewing and herbalism are also practiced--and it works about the same as, if not better than, magia.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The rules of magia, Day 9

How much is known about the laws of magic? How much of what is "known" is wrong (as Aristotle's ideas about human anatomy were wrong, but accepted for centuries)?

Different races have different levels of understanding about how magia works, but what magia cannot do is universally agreed on. The elves and fairies rely on magia more in their cultures, so they are usually the ones that discover new spells and new ways to use it. All known information about magia, including all named spells and accepted uses, is compiled into a compendium each year--although it has been known to be updated more often when a major breakthrough is discovered.

It was once thought only a certain number of the Twelve Stones could be wielded, but this was quickly disproved when elven scholars found that all twelve elements were possible to wield. The spell list is constatly being revised as new spells are found and those that no longer work are removed (which it was thought there was only a certain number of spells. The ability to wield magia through weapons and other objects is also a recent development, as it was once thought that instruments were the only objects capable of channeling magia.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Running my heroine through a litmus test

Let's see how Miresa, my heroine, scores on this character litmus test:

1. Is the name the same as yours? (5 points) (no, her name is Miresa)

2. A close variation of yours? (e.g., your name is Kelly and the character's name is Kelli or Kielli) (5 points) (no)

3. Your screen name or psuedonym? (5 points) (no!)

4. The name that you wish your parents had named you? (5 points). (no, I got it through a fantasy name generator and thought it sounded pretty)

5. Is the name "special" even in the story's setting? For example, your story is supposed to be set in modern America but the character is named Guinevere, or your setting is in a medieval world and the character's name is Krystalynne. (5 points). (no, it is a normal girl's name in my world)

6. Does the name have some destined, special, or magical significance? Being named after a famous hero of the family or world counts. (7 points). (no)

7. Does the name have a meaning in some other language, such as Japanese, French, or- gods forbid- Quenya? (5 points). (as far as I know, Miresa doesn't mean anything)

8. Is the character a princess? (10 points). (nope)

9. Is the character a peasant who turns out to be a princess? (10 points). (nope, her family line has no royal connections)

10. Is the character the most powerful magical talent in her family? (5 points). (far from it, she's trying and failing to harness it with very few successes)

11. ...even though everyone thinks she's of small account? (add 2 points) (again, she's nowhere near the best, but keeps trying)

12. ...the most powerful in the entire country/kingdom? (add 2 points) (definitely not)

13. ...the most powerful in centuries? (add 3 points) (nope)

14. ...the most powerful in the world, or fated to become so? (add 7 points. Or you could turn in your test and try to think up a good reason she's this way) (although the Gemsinger wields all twelve elements, as she is fated to become, they are oftentimes bested by something else, and she isn't going to become the number one).

15. Is your character a girl who comes from modern Earth? (10 points). (no, the story comepletely takes place in my own world)

16. ...teenager? (add 5 points) (N/A).

17. ...angsty teenager whose parents don't understand her? (N/A).

18. ...who "has always felt she's never quite belonged here?" (N/A).

19. ...and is really the princess of the other world she goes to? (add 7 points). (N/A)

20. ...or the hero destined to save it? (add 7 points). (N/A)

21. ...both its hero and its princess? (add 14 points). (N/A)

22. ...who was sent to Earth to keep her safe from some danger? (add 4 points) (N/A)

23. Does the character have a mysterious parent? (add 5 points) (no, both parents are known and alive).

24. ...that she resembles greatly? (add 2 points) (no)

25. ...who left soon after her birth for mysterious and unknown reasons? (add 3 points) (no)

26. Is the character a bastard? (5 points) (no)

27. ...who angsts all the time about being a bastard? (Some perspective is necessary here. If your society is set up to, say, deny inheritance rights to bastards, and your character doesn't know what she's going to be doing in the future, she may have a legitimate reason to angst. But if everyone seems basically unconcerned except for her, something is wrong). (add 5 points) (no)

28. ...who is scorned for being a bastard but has her own spunky self-esteem to cheer her up? (add 4 points) (no)

29. Does the character have abusive parents? (add 7 points) (no, both parents love her very much)

30. Was the character raped by a parent/sibling/close family friend? (add 7 points) (N/A)

31. Has the abuse/rape given her "a heart as hard as stone" or "features as cold as ice?" (add 4 points). (N/A)

32. Is the character enormously talented at magic? (add 7 points). (Far from it)

33. ...a kind of magic that is very rare? (add 5 points). (no)

34. ...a kind of magic that there are very real reasons she should not have, according to the magical laws of your world? (add 6 points). (no)

35. ...that the local bullies are jealous of her for? (add 4 points). (no)

36. Does your character have to go in for special training of her magic? (add 2 points). (she is in training for use of magic, so +2)

37. ...and she turns out to be the most talented student at the school? (add 4 points). (far from it, she's remembered more for the mishaps)

38. ...and all her teachers hate her? (add 3 points). (no, they try to help)

39. ...and everyone save one or two close friends are mean to her for no real reason? (add 5 points). (no, she has quite a few friends)

40. ...She's talented at everything and the mean and evil characters are the ones who hate her? (add 8 points). (no, she is good at some things and bad at others--and good at some things she never realized she was good at)

41. Is the character a talented singer? (3 points) (yes, 5 points so far)

42. ...the most talented singer in a hundred years? (add 4 points). (no, she would be beaten in this regard)

43. ...without any training? (add 2 points). (no, she's taken lessons)

44. ...and her music is the most beautiful thing everyone has ever heard? (add 3 points) (no, there's a number of beings, both magical and non-magical, that would beat her out)

45. Do you write cheesy romance songs- or, worse, borrow Terran pop tunes- and give them to your character to sing? (Be honest, now). (add 5 points) (no, but you'd have to imagine the tunes to them.)

46. Is your character just the most talented thing with a sword ever? (4 points). (not THE most, but she is quite good)

47. ...Without training? (add 4 points) (no, she has trained and is still training)

.48. She can wield a broadsword even though she's petite? (add 5 points). (no, she's tried)

49. ...and she never gets tired? (add 4 points). (no)

50. Does she have long flowing hair? (2 points). (no, medium length)

51. ...that never gets dirty or loses its luster, snarls, or has split ends? (add 3 points). (no, we do see hair washing, tangles, and split ends)

52. ...that you describe continually? (add 3 points). (I won't go on for three pages about it, just say what color it is, and how long it is, and that's it)

53. Does she have blonde hair that you call "golden?" (2 points) (no, a deep brown hair)

54. Does she have dark hair that you call "raven?" (3 points) (no)

55. Does she have red hair that you compare to the heat of her temper? (3 points) (no)

56. Does she have some very definitely non-human color of hair- white hair from birth, silver hair, dark blue hair- with no explanation given (e.g., albinism for white hair) and that no one finds strange? (4 points) (no)

57. Does she have black hair except for one white streak? (4 points) (no)

58. Does she have large, sparkling eyes? (3 points) (large, no; sparkling, yes)

59. Deep, tragic, mysterious ones? (3 points) (no)

60. Blue eyes that you usually name as "cerulean" or "azure?" (4 points) (no)

61. Black eyes? (4 points) (no)

62. Green eyes that you call "emerald?" (5 points) (yes, 10 points so far)

63. Silver eyes? (5 points) (no)

64. Violet eyes? (6 points) (no)

65. Eyes with flecks of another color? (3 points) (no)

66. Eyes that change color with her mood? (6 points) (no)

67. Will her eyes become a plot point? (6 points)(Hint: Heroines of any fantasy novels only rarely have gray, brown, or even hazel eyes. There are colors you can use without falling into the cliché trap). (course not)

68. Is the heroine beautiful? (2 points). (she is good looking, but not beautiful per se)

69. ...the most gorgeous thing to walk the planet? (add 4 points). (not so much)

70. beautiful that she melts the heart of the main villain/someone who has a lot of tragedy in his life? (add 4 points). (no)

71. Is she beautiful but unaware of it? (4 points). (no, she is proud of how she looks)

72. ...and angsts about not being pretty enough? (5 points). (no, she has better things to worry about)

73. Is she as spunky as the day is long? (4 points). (yes, 14 points so far)

74. ...even when she shouldn't be? (add 1 point). (no, she knows when to calm down/be quiet)

75. And she doesn't get angry? (add 2 points). (oh she gets mad, all right...)

76. ...Ever? (add 2 points). (no)

77. ...Never ever? (add 4 points). (no)

78. Is she spirited and rebellious? (3 points) (spirited, yes; rebellious, no)

79. ...a princess who hates being a princess? (add 10 points. It was original the first time only. Now it should just go away). (no, her family has no royal connections)

80. ...a woman who dislikes men holding her back? (add 10 points. Misplaced feminism is no longer very amusing, either). (no)

81. ...a lady who dislikes being "ladylike?" (add 5 points). (no)

82. adolescent whose parents "just don't understand?" (add 5 points). (no, she can talk to her mom and dad about almost anything)

83. Is she depressed to the point of suicide? (4 points). (hardly)

84. ...over relatively minor things? (Be honest). (add 4 points). (nope)

85. ...and the reader is meant to sympathize with her and not laugh aloud at the angstier passages? (add 6 points). (no way)

86. Does she fall in love at first sight? (10 points). (love will not play that big a role in the story, so no)

87. ...within a few days? (10 points). (no)

88. Is she the center of a love triangle? (12 points. Reconsider. PLEASE). (no)

89. Does the main villain desire her so much he'll give up world conquest to have her? (10 points). (no, the demon lord doesn't even know what love is, nor does he want to know)

90. Does she bicker with her intended mate until she realizes at last "just how much she loves him?" (10 points).(Notice there are many scenarios I didn't mention. In general, the longer a love relationship takes to develop and the less perfect it is, the more likely it will escape the cliches). (no)

91. Will she save the world? (7 points). (yes, 21 points so far)

92. ...without help? (10 points). (she will have a party)

93. ...without any qualms? (10 points). (she'll ask a lot of questions at first, but grow into it as the adventure goes on)

94. ...with just enough whining that you want to smack her instead of feel sorry for her? (10 points). (no)

95. Does she live happily ever after? (4 points). (yes, 25 points so far)

96. ...with just a few scars to show for it? (add 6 points). (pretty battered, but alive)

97. ...completely unscathed? (add 7 points). (no)

98. If she dies, is there an angsty deathbed scene? (8 points). (no, she will live)

99. Does she die looking on the face of her lover? (10 points). (no)

100. Is she honored and remembered as a hero forever? (10 points. Consider having her NOT be remembered). (her name will be forgotten, but her title, the Sixth Gemsinger, will live on)

Final score: 25/521 (I think that's the right number)

I got the test here

The rules of magia, Day 8

Does practicing magic have any detrimental effect on the magician (such as being addictive, slowly driving the magician insane, or shortening the magicians life-span)? If so, is there any way to prevent these effects? Are the effects inevitable in all magicians, or do they affect only those with some sort of predisposition? Do the effects progress at the same rate in everyone?

Since magia requires expending a little of your own energy with every spell, if you use too much magia too quickly (how much this limit is differs from wielder to wielder), you will tire from magia-induced fatigue, which require the wielder to rest for a while before using magia again. While you cannot die from using magia, it is possible to exhaust yourself to the point where you could die (which would require a long rest period)

There are charms that either reduce the symptom's severity or stop it from occuring altogether that are readily bought for a reasonable price, but the best way to prevent the fatigue is using your magia responsibly.

Everyone that can wield magia suffers from magia induced fatigue as some point or another, but how quickly symptoms set in depends on how long the patient has used magia, and is calculated under the presumption the user is casting spells without a rest. A new mage's apprentice might feel the first symptoms in twenty minutes if casting constantly, while a wizard that has casted magia for years might not feel the first symptoms for 2 or 3 hours. Keep in mind that physical fatigue and magia induced fatigue are two diferent things.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The rules of magia, Day 7

Can two or more wizards combine their power to cast a stronger spell, or is magic done only by individuals? What makes one wizard more powerful than another--knowledge of more spells, ability to handle greater quantities of mana, having a more powerful god as patron, etc.?

Two (or more) people can combine spells to create a new spell, but the individual components have to be cast by the people combining powers. They then have to name the combined spell in order to command the different magias to combine into the new spell.

A Singer's power level is determined by the number of spells they know, how long they have been wielding magia, and how much magia they can handle before magia fatigue sets in

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The rules of magia, Day 6

How long does it take to cast a spell? Can spells be stored for later, instant use? Do spells take lots of long ritual, or is magic a "point and shoot" kind of thing?

Depending on how strong a spell you want to cast and the material of what you're channeling the magia through, the charge time is around 3-10 seconds. While most magia wielders choose to channel it through an instrument, magia is mainly a "point and shoot" matter. An "instant" version would be to wield a spell through a weapon--just name the spell and it will be cast

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Sampling from "Gemsinger" 's Spellbook

Here's a few examples of spells you might expect to see in "Gemsinger":

1. Lava Ring

Element: Fire

What it does: This spell surrounds the target with a circle of flames that burns whatever touches them. It can also be used to protect the caster and their allies.

2. Sapphire Calling

Element: Holy

What it does: One of a family of gem summoning spells, this summons a sapphire for the user to cast one Holy spell of their choosing, even if they don't have Holy magia within them. To do this, they name the spell they want to cast, and the appropriate magia is channeled through the stone. This is one way that magia users can safely wield an elemental outside of what they can normally wield.

3. Dark Spheres

Element: Darkness

What it does: Sends orbs of darkness energy at the target for damage.

4. Crystal Shields

Element: Ice

What it does: Creates a shield around the caster and his/her allies for a short time.

The rules of magia, Day 5

What does one need to do to cast a spell -- design an elaborate ritual, recite poetry, mix the right ingredients in a pot? Are there things like a staff, a wand, a familiar, a crystal ball, that are necessary or useful to have before casting spells? If so, where and how do wizards get these things?

All one needs to cast a spell is a suitable object to channel the magia through, usually a musical instrument or a weapon. (both of which are readily availiable around the world To cast a spell using an instument, the caster must name the spell, (you know you've named a spell when your instrument or weapon glows in the color of the element you're going to cast) then play a song--this song can be anything from random notes to special songs designed especially for this purpose. That said, not every form of music is magical--just playing something without naming a spell won't do anything.

If you're using a weapon to wield magia, just point at the target and name the spell. After a brief charging time (anywhere from 3-10 seconds, depending on how strong your spell is and the material your weapon is made of)

Monday, February 16, 2009

The rules of magia, Day 4

How does a magician tap magical power? Does becoming a magician require some rite of passage (investing one's power in an object, being chosen by the gods, constructing or being given a permanent link to the source of power, successfully summoning a demon, etc.) or does it just happen naturally, as a result of study or as a part of growing up?

Since every being potentially has the power to wield magia, discerning those that can requires the master mage to cast the spell Gem's Knowing (which allows the caster to see what elementals lie in the target's heart.) What colors they see (if any) determines which elements the target can safely wield. Knowing this, a Gemsinger's heart, when revealed this way, will glow exceptionally bright with all twelve colors of magia.

Magia can awaken in a person as early as four or five years old, but the person's innate power (the element tied to their birth month) is the first one to appear, usually before they begin school (five-seven years old). If I lived in Sekiya, my innate power would be Holy magia; for example

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The rules of magia, Day 3

Where does magic power come from: the gods, "mana" (cf. Larry Niven's Warlock stories), the personal will-power of the magician, etc.? Is it an exhaustible resource?

Magia comes from the Twelve Stones, which are physical manifestations of the elements created by the High Goddess Meikon. (and correspond to the twelve birthstones of the Earth calendar) They are constantly generating this energy, so it never runs out.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The rules of magia, Day 2

Is there a difference between miracles and magic? If so, how are they distinguished?

Yes, albeit a very slight one--miracles are defined as something happening that magia would not be able to do normally, such as bringing someone back to life.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Review meme

The rules: Find a favorite book, movie, or videogame review (Science fiction and fantasy related) that you have written, no matter where it was posted, and add it to the following list. Make sure to repost the whole list, because in doing so, we accumulate what the reviewers themselves think is their best work, and give each other some linkages, increasing everyone's rankings.

1. Grasping for the Wind - INFOQUAKE by David Louis Edelman
2. Age 30+ ... A Lifetime of Books - A COMPANION TO WOLVES by Sarah Monette and Elizabeth Bear
3. Dragons, Heroes and Wizards - ASSASSIN'S APPRENTICE by Robin Hobb
4. Walker of Worlds - THE TEMPORAL VOID by Peter F Hamilton
5. Neth Space - TOLL THE HOUNDS by Steven Erikson
6. Dark in the Dark - GHOST STORIES OF AN ANTIQUARY by M.R. James
7. A Dribble of Ink - THE SHADOW OF THE WIND by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
8. Fantasy Book News & Reviews - EMPRESS by Karen Miller
9. Tales of a Gemsinger - Final Fantasy 3 DS Published by Square Enix

Let the worldbuilding begin!

To begin the world building questions, let us first examine the rules of magia in detail. Some of these answers may sound familiar if you've read my early notes.

1. What things can magic not do? What are the limits of magical power?

Magia can do a great many things, but there are a few things it cannot do:

--Bring the dead back to life (unless the Seer found the person was still needed on the mortal plane.)
--It cannot be used for evil purposes against another being (so no casting a status effect on a being unless you are in danger or the target is an evil being)
--It shouldn't be used to manipulate the weather or to travel through time

The limits of magia I have touched on before, but let's review them:

--You can only wield so many elements safely (three for humans, dwarves, and avris; and six for elves and fairies) Only one being can safely wield all twelve elements--the Gemsinger. If you were to try and wield an elemental you couldn't wield, one of two things would happen: the spell would misfire or not work at all or it would drain your energy even faster than normal.

--Magia is a very concentrated form of energy, so it usually needs to be channeled through something (typically an instrument, but this can also be a weapon or another object) to bring the energy level down to a level safe enough to be controlled. That said, it is possible to wield magia through one's voice, but it would tire the wielder out faster because they would have pure magia flowing through them, and most being's bodies cannot handle the energy of pure magia.

--Every time you cast a spell, you expend some of your own energy. The rate this happens depends on how long the user's been wielding magia (so a new mage's apprentice would tire very quickly, while a wizard that has wielded magia for years would need to cast spells constantly for several hours before the first signs of magia fatigue set in). Although you cannot die from using magia, you CAN exhaust yourself to the point where you could die. Fortunately, resting for a little while will recharge your energy. Physical fatigue and magia fatigue, however, are not the same thing.

Tomorrow: Miracles and magia

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fantasy Debut: Discovery Showcase for Self- and Unpublished Novels

Fantasy Debut: Discovery Showcase for Self- and Unpublished Novels

How bout it? Is it worth a shot to send an episode of Gemsinger once the worldbuilding questions are done?

Getting to know my heroes, Day 30

Final day of this exercise!

Does she have any artistic talent (writing, drawing, music)? Are they well developed or raw? Secret or public?

Miresa: She is skilled at singing and playing a number of instruments (her main one for spellcasting is the flute or the smaller whistle)

Bradlin: He's an okay writer, and learning to play the whistle thanks to Miresa (he's still learning where the notes are)

Galia: She is an expert storyteller, and will ocassionally use a lute or a harp to accompany her tales (and for spellcasting)

Arune: She's a surprisingly good poet, and usually carries a small set of chimes for spellcasting and a whistle for signaling (and spellcasting)

Does he swear?

No, none of them swear--the closest they come to this is a deriviative of "What in Meikon's name..." or "By Meikon!"

How does she respond when unjustly accused of something

Miresa: Request a chance to defend herself.

Bradlin: Deny he did it (multiple times, if he has to)

Galia: Pick out all the flaws in the accuser's story and turn their arguments against them to defend herself

Arune: Vigorously deny that she did it

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The world building begins...

Tomorrow is the last day of character questions--and I'll also be starting the worldbuilding questions tomorrow too.

Getting to know my heroes, Day 29

One more day to go of this exercise!

What trait most annoys him when he encounters it in others?

Miresa: Selfishness

Bradlin: Cruelty

Galia: Greed

Arune: Cowardice (she does know the difference between legitimate fear and cowardice)

Does she feel responsible for anyone besides herself?

Miresa: Yes, keeping Arune out of trouble

Bradlin: Yes, each dragoon is responsible for caring for the dragons

Galia: Yes, she is responsible for providing religious and mystical leadership to Telrain

Arune: Yes, keeping Miresa safe

How well does he handle change?

Miresa: She sees change as a possibility for new adventures and surprises.

Bradlin: It depends on the size of the change--little ones he eases right into, but large ones take a while to get used to.

Galia: She eases into each change (big and small) gracefully.

Arune: She needs time to ease into it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Getting to know my heroes, Day 28

What does she think is the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen?

Miresa: The rainbow robes that high ranking storytellers wear

Bradlin: Baby dragons that have newly hatched

Galia: Making the enchanted flowers outside Coraira and Telrain bloom each year on the first day of spring--these flowers only bloom when the Seer casts a very specific spell

Arune: The cave filled with gems nearby Moondancer Ridge

What does he think is the ugliest thing he’s ever seen?

Miresa: An earthlizard, a reptile that tunnels underground eating worms, bugs, and rodents.

Bradlin: Fights that break out in pubs--one reason he never goes to a pub

Galia: Darkshroud, a form of black mist that can assume the shape of other beings and things

Arune: Bats

What does she think is her purpose in life?

All four believe their purpose is to serve the High Goddess and better the world around them

Monday, February 9, 2009

Getting to know my heroes, Day 27

Who were his heroes as a child?

Miresa: The Fourth and Fifth Gemsingers--although their names were lost to time, she was, and is, still fascinated by the deeds they did.

Bradin: The dragoon Aseith, who was said to have carried the Fifth Gemsinger into battle against the demon lord

Galia: The storyteller Valebrina, who always came for the summer festival

Arune: The Starwings--Wingblades that had great heroes as their Others

What was the biggest lie she ever told?

Miresa: That she isn't the Gemsinger (this saves the party on a few occasions)

Bradlin: That a roof cave-in was a dragon attack (when it was really him and a few friends playing too rough)

Galia: She has had to pass herself off as human before (but no one saw through the lie)

Arune: That her Other is actually sick (when the headaches Miresa gets are really the Twelve Stones talking to her

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Getting to know my heroes, Day 26

What would she like written on her tombstone?

Miresa: Here lies a blademage that yearned to know the Goddess the most

Bradlin: Here rests one who lived with the honor and devotion of a dragon (the epitaph given to great dragoons)

Galia: May the knowledge of the one entombed here continue to touch the world (the epitaph used on a Seer's tomb)

Arune: Here lies a Wingblade that served her Other with love and honor (a variant on the Wingblade epitaph for those Wingblades that have Others)

What person has most influenced her development as an adult?

Miresa: Her mother and father, who gave her a love of learning

Bradlin: The dragonmaster, as he has served as a father figure to him

Galia: The elder of Telrain, as he allowed her to remain there to teach the villagers tolerance

Arune: Miresa, as she has taught her about what lies beyond the fairy realm

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Getting to know everyone, Day 25

What three adjectives best describe his outer nature?

Miresa: Beautiful, agile, strong

Bradlin: Tough, lithe, stocky

Galia: Slender, swift, strong

Arune: Wiry, thin, tough

What sort of legacy does he wish to leave behind?

Miresa: She wants to use the power of magia to help people

Bradlin: He wants to uphold the honor of the dragoons

Galia: She wishes to keep Sekiya's folk tradition alive

Arune: She wishes to be a great Wingblade

Friday, February 6, 2009

Don't miss Episode whatever on this blog next week?

How would you guys feel if I actually serialized "The Gemsinger Chronicles" here on the blog after all the planning and worldbuilding is done?

Getting to know my heroes, Day 24

Six more days to go before we start the worldbuilding questions....

If she could be someone else, who would she be?

Miresa: She'd be one of the blademages on the lodge's wall of fame

Bradlin: He'd be the dragoon that founded the Dragon Order

Galia: She'd be the storyteller that always comes for the summer festival

Arune: She'd like to be queen of the fairies

Describe the nature and intensity of his religious feelings?

Miresa: She's not devout, but she does say prayers and attend worship services

Bradlin: He does pray and read the holy writings of Meikon, but only goes to services beacause he has to

Galia: Being a Seer, she has a very deep respect for the High Goddess Meikon--yet she tolerates other faiths too

Arune: She knows a deity exists, but the whole concept of worshipping said deity is strange to her

What three adjectives best describe her inner nature?

Miresa: Friendly, intelligent, outgoing

Bradlin: Strong-willed, curious, sad

Galia: Compassionate, wise, respectful

Arune: Curious, weird, devoted

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fantasy Book News & Reviews: Does (Lots of) Profanity Belong in Reviews?

If you've ever been unnerved by four-letter words (so to speack) in reviews, this is the post for you:

Fantasy Book News & Reviews: Does (Lots of) Profanity Belong in Reviews?

What do you want to know about Sekiya?

When I finish the character questions and begin answering the worldbuilding questions, what kinds of questions do you want me to answer first? Do you want to learn more about magia? Curious about the cities and towns? What the Twelve Stones are and how they relate to the overarching plot? Whether you want these or other questions answered, I'd love to hear just what questions you have about the world of Sekiya

Getting to know my characters, Day 23

What’s the luckiest thing that ever happened to him?

Miresa: Meeting Arune

Bradlin: Befriending the dragon Glorian

Galia: Becoming Seer of Telrain against incredible odds

Arune: Gaining an Other (Miresa)

If she had unlimited wealth, what would she spend it on?

Miresa: A large house, which she would turn into her own mage's lodge.

Bradlin: His own dragon hatchling

Galia: Supplies to start her own troupe of storytellers

Arune: Seeds of exotic plants to sow in her garden

If he was a writer, what would he write?

Miresa: Essays about the stranger side of Sekiya

Bradlin: Essays about his travels

Galia: Her interpretations of Sekiyan folktales

Arune: Eassys about the other races of Sekiya

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Getting to know everyone, Day 22

If a spell turned him into the animal that most resembles his heart, what would he turn into?

Miresa: An eagle

Bradlin: A wolf

Galia: A cat

Arune: A dove

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Getting to know everyone, Day 21

What is his romantic history? Best? Worst?

Miresa: She has no interest in love at the moment.

Bradlin: He'd like to meet a girl, but doesn't feel Miresa is the right one for him

Galia: She's had a few crushes, but none of them panned out into a relationship

Arune: She herself hasn't fallen in love yet, but she has cast a love spell on others.

What about her annoys others?

Miresa: She can and will annoy you with talking about all she has seen

Bradlin: He appears to be a slacker to many people, but he goes the extra mile to prove them wrong

Galia: She can be perceived as fussy

Arune: She has an odd sense of humor

Does he like poetry?

Miresa: She likes listening to a well written poem, but can't write it

Bradlin: No, he prefers stories

Galia: Yes, and can write it

Arune: Yes, and enjoys writing it

Monday, February 2, 2009

Getting to know my heroes, day 20

She has just received an envelope. It fills her with dread. What’s in it?

Miresa: A notice calling her to battle

Bradlin: A letter confirming his father is alive

Galia: A letter begging her to return to Coraira

Arune: A notice summoning her to battle

List 5 things that could motivate him to violence.

All four would attack if: losing her family or friends, Telrain being attacked, demons on the move, innocent people being attacked

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The State of the Chronicles: January

Since I started the blog, I've gotten two fans, and made quite a lot of progress on the characters. To everyone that's read the blog so far, thank you!

To do list for February:

--Finish the 30 day character exercise
--Flesh out the world of Sekiya
--Actually post some writing practice.

Getting to know everyone, Day 19

Write about his worst birthday (or favorite holiday that went badly.)

Miresa: Her 9th, when it rained all day; effectively ruining her party

Bradlin: His 11th, when he got sick and couldn't have a party

Galia: Her 10th, when every spell went wrong and almost destroyed the house

Arune: Her 8th, when she had to entertain about 50 other apprentices while the guildmaster was away. (she got a little cake in the end)

What rule would she say is the most important to live by?

Miresa: If you believe you can do anything, you'll go far

Bradlin: In everything you do, do it well

Galia: You accomplish more if you abstain from force

Arune: Cherish life while you have it

Is there anyone he despises?

Miresa: No

Bradlin: While he and Merakor are not on speaking terms, he doesn't hate him

Galia: The councilman that lobbied to drive her, and later Losi, out of town all because they were not human

Arune: No, she would rather forgive than hold a grudge
