Let's see how Miresa, my heroine, scores on this character litmus test:
1. Is the name the same as yours? (5 points) (no, her name is Miresa)
2. A close variation of yours? (e.g., your name is Kelly and the character's name is Kelli or Kielli) (5 points) (no)
3. Your screen name or psuedonym? (5 points) (no!)
4. The name that you wish your parents had named you? (5 points). (no, I got it through a fantasy name generator and thought it sounded pretty)
5. Is the name "special" even in the story's setting? For example, your story is supposed to be set in modern America but the character is named Guinevere, or your setting is in a medieval world and the character's name is Krystalynne. (5 points). (no, it is a normal girl's name in my world)
6. Does the name have some destined, special, or magical significance? Being named after a famous hero of the family or world counts. (7 points). (no)
7. Does the name have a meaning in some other language, such as Japanese, French, or- gods forbid- Quenya? (5 points). (as far as I know, Miresa doesn't mean anything)
8. Is the character a princess? (10 points). (nope)
9. Is the character a peasant who turns out to be a princess? (10 points). (nope, her family line has no royal connections)
10. Is the character the most powerful magical talent in her family? (5 points). (far from it, she's trying and failing to harness it with very few successes)
11. ...even though everyone thinks she's of small account? (add 2 points) (again, she's nowhere near the best, but keeps trying)
12. ...the most powerful in the entire country/kingdom? (add 2 points) (definitely not)
13. ...the most powerful in centuries? (add 3 points) (nope)
14. ...the most powerful in the world, or fated to become so? (add 7 points. Or you could turn in your test and try to think up a good reason she's this way) (although the Gemsinger wields all twelve elements, as she is fated to become, they are oftentimes bested by something else, and she isn't going to become the number one).
15. Is your character a girl who comes from modern Earth? (10 points). (no, the story comepletely takes place in my own world)
16. ...teenager? (add 5 points) (N/A).
17. ...angsty teenager whose parents don't understand her? (N/A).
18. ...who "has always felt she's never quite belonged here?" (N/A).
19. ...and is really the princess of the other world she goes to? (add 7 points). (N/A)
20. ...or the hero destined to save it? (add 7 points). (N/A)
21. ...both its hero and its princess? (add 14 points). (N/A)
22. ...who was sent to Earth to keep her safe from some danger? (add 4 points) (N/A)
23. Does the character have a mysterious parent? (add 5 points) (no, both parents are known and alive).
24. ...that she resembles greatly? (add 2 points) (no)
25. ...who left soon after her birth for mysterious and unknown reasons? (add 3 points) (no)
26. Is the character a bastard? (5 points) (no)
27. ...who angsts all the time about being a bastard? (Some perspective is necessary here. If your society is set up to, say, deny inheritance rights to bastards, and your character doesn't know what she's going to be doing in the future, she may have a legitimate reason to angst. But if everyone seems basically unconcerned except for her, something is wrong). (add 5 points) (no)
28. ...who is scorned for being a bastard but has her own spunky self-esteem to cheer her up? (add 4 points) (no)
29. Does the character have abusive parents? (add 7 points) (no, both parents love her very much)
30. Was the character raped by a parent/sibling/close family friend? (add 7 points) (N/A)
31. Has the abuse/rape given her "a heart as hard as stone" or "features as cold as ice?" (add 4 points). (N/A)
32. Is the character enormously talented at magic? (add 7 points). (Far from it)
33. ...a kind of magic that is very rare? (add 5 points). (no)
34. ...a kind of magic that there are very real reasons she should not have, according to the magical laws of your world? (add 6 points). (no)
35. ...that the local bullies are jealous of her for? (add 4 points). (no)
36. Does your character have to go in for special training of her magic? (add 2 points). (she is in training for use of magic, so +2)
37. ...and she turns out to be the most talented student at the school? (add 4 points). (far from it, she's remembered more for the mishaps)
38. ...and all her teachers hate her? (add 3 points). (no, they try to help)
39. ...and everyone save one or two close friends are mean to her for no real reason? (add 5 points). (no, she has quite a few friends)
40. ...She's talented at everything and the mean and evil characters are the ones who hate her? (add 8 points). (no, she is good at some things and bad at others--and good at some things she never realized she was good at)
41. Is the character a talented singer? (3 points) (yes, 5 points so far)
42. ...the most talented singer in a hundred years? (add 4 points). (no, she would be beaten in this regard)
43. ...without any training? (add 2 points). (no, she's taken lessons)
44. ...and her music is the most beautiful thing everyone has ever heard? (add 3 points) (no, there's a number of beings, both magical and non-magical, that would beat her out)
45. Do you write cheesy romance songs- or, worse, borrow Terran pop tunes- and give them to your character to sing? (Be honest, now). (add 5 points) (no, but you'd have to imagine the tunes to them.)
46. Is your character just the most talented thing with a sword ever? (4 points). (not THE most, but she is quite good)
47. ...Without training? (add 4 points) (no, she has trained and is still training)
.48. She can wield a broadsword even though she's petite? (add 5 points). (no, she's tried)
49. ...and she never gets tired? (add 4 points). (no)
50. Does she have long flowing hair? (2 points). (no, medium length)
51. ...that never gets dirty or loses its luster, snarls, or has split ends? (add 3 points). (no, we do see hair washing, tangles, and split ends)
52. ...that you describe continually? (add 3 points). (I won't go on for three pages about it, just say what color it is, and how long it is, and that's it)
53. Does she have blonde hair that you call "golden?" (2 points) (no, a deep brown hair)
54. Does she have dark hair that you call "raven?" (3 points) (no)
55. Does she have red hair that you compare to the heat of her temper? (3 points) (no)
56. Does she have some very definitely non-human color of hair- white hair from birth, silver hair, dark blue hair- with no explanation given (e.g., albinism for white hair) and that no one finds strange? (4 points) (no)
57. Does she have black hair except for one white streak? (4 points) (no)
58. Does she have large, sparkling eyes? (3 points) (large, no; sparkling, yes)
59. Deep, tragic, mysterious ones? (3 points) (no)
60. Blue eyes that you usually name as "cerulean" or "azure?" (4 points) (no)
61. Black eyes? (4 points) (no)
62. Green eyes that you call "emerald?" (5 points) (yes, 10 points so far)
63. Silver eyes? (5 points) (no)
64. Violet eyes? (6 points) (no)
65. Eyes with flecks of another color? (3 points) (no)
66. Eyes that change color with her mood? (6 points) (no)
67. Will her eyes become a plot point? (6 points)(Hint: Heroines of any fantasy novels only rarely have gray, brown, or even hazel eyes. There are colors you can use without falling into the cliché trap). (course not)
68. Is the heroine beautiful? (2 points). (she is good looking, but not beautiful per se)
69. ...the most gorgeous thing to walk the planet? (add 4 points). (not so much)
70. ...so beautiful that she melts the heart of the main villain/someone who has a lot of tragedy in his life? (add 4 points). (no)
71. Is she beautiful but unaware of it? (4 points). (no, she is proud of how she looks)
72. ...and angsts about not being pretty enough? (5 points). (no, she has better things to worry about)
73. Is she as spunky as the day is long? (4 points). (yes, 14 points so far)
74. ...even when she shouldn't be? (add 1 point). (no, she knows when to calm down/be quiet)
75. And she doesn't get angry? (add 2 points). (oh she gets mad, all right...)
76. ...Ever? (add 2 points). (no)
77. ...Never ever? (add 4 points). (no)
78. Is she spirited and rebellious? (3 points) (spirited, yes; rebellious, no)
79. ...a princess who hates being a princess? (add 10 points. It was original the first time only. Now it should just go away). (no, her family has no royal connections)
80. ...a woman who dislikes men holding her back? (add 10 points. Misplaced feminism is no longer very amusing, either). (no)
81. ...a lady who dislikes being "ladylike?" (add 5 points). (no)
82. ...an adolescent whose parents "just don't understand?" (add 5 points). (no, she can talk to her mom and dad about almost anything)
83. Is she depressed to the point of suicide? (4 points). (hardly)
84. ...over relatively minor things? (Be honest). (add 4 points). (nope)
85. ...and the reader is meant to sympathize with her and not laugh aloud at the angstier passages? (add 6 points). (no way)
86. Does she fall in love at first sight? (10 points). (love will not play that big a role in the story, so no)
87. ...within a few days? (10 points). (no)
88. Is she the center of a love triangle? (12 points. Reconsider. PLEASE). (no)
89. Does the main villain desire her so much he'll give up world conquest to have her? (10 points). (no, the demon lord doesn't even know what love is, nor does he want to know)
90. Does she bicker with her intended mate until she realizes at last "just how much she loves him?" (10 points).(Notice there are many scenarios I didn't mention. In general, the longer a love relationship takes to develop and the less perfect it is, the more likely it will escape the cliches). (no)
91. Will she save the world? (7 points). (yes, 21 points so far)
92. ...without help? (10 points). (she will have a party)
93. ...without any qualms? (10 points). (she'll ask a lot of questions at first, but grow into it as the adventure goes on)
94. ...with just enough whining that you want to smack her instead of feel sorry for her? (10 points). (no)
95. Does she live happily ever after? (4 points). (yes, 25 points so far)
96. ...with just a few scars to show for it? (add 6 points). (pretty battered, but alive)
97. ...completely unscathed? (add 7 points). (no)
98. If she dies, is there an angsty deathbed scene? (8 points). (no, she will live)
99. Does she die looking on the face of her lover? (10 points). (no)
100. Is she honored and remembered as a hero forever? (10 points. Consider having her NOT be remembered). (her name will be forgotten, but her title, the Sixth Gemsinger, will live on)
Final score: 25/521 (I think that's the right number)
I got the test here http://limyaael.livejournal.com/30981.html
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