Saturday, February 21, 2009

The rules of magia, Day 9

How much is known about the laws of magic? How much of what is "known" is wrong (as Aristotle's ideas about human anatomy were wrong, but accepted for centuries)?

Different races have different levels of understanding about how magia works, but what magia cannot do is universally agreed on. The elves and fairies rely on magia more in their cultures, so they are usually the ones that discover new spells and new ways to use it. All known information about magia, including all named spells and accepted uses, is compiled into a compendium each year--although it has been known to be updated more often when a major breakthrough is discovered.

It was once thought only a certain number of the Twelve Stones could be wielded, but this was quickly disproved when elven scholars found that all twelve elements were possible to wield. The spell list is constatly being revised as new spells are found and those that no longer work are removed (which it was thought there was only a certain number of spells. The ability to wield magia through weapons and other objects is also a recent development, as it was once thought that instruments were the only objects capable of channeling magia.

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