Monday, March 23, 2009

Magia and technology,day 3

How has the presence of magic affected weapons technology? Do you have to do anything special to armor, weapons, walls, to make them better able to resist spells?

Magia has made weapons and defenses both stronger, and any item of warfare is designed with magia in mind. But in order to defend against magia, you need to cast the appropriate buff against the magia you are going against (i.e. if you're going against an enemy that uses fire magia, you would need to cast a water-type buff on your weapons and armor) If you just want to defend against magia in general, you would cast the Spirit spell Energy Wall


  1. How does 'water' hurt someone anyway? By drowning them? By bludgeoning them? Why would there be a specific defense against the 'water' element? That's silly.

  2. Water can wash over someone and drown them, but I may tinker with this idea a bit.

  3. Logically, the 'water' defense would be the same as the 'breath underwater' defense. I don't imagine water being useful in a military operation except on a very very large scale.

    What's faster? Drowning someone, or sticking a sharp piece of metal into their skull?

