Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Magia and the world, Day 6

What wild animals, actual or imaginary, live in this area? Are any of them potentially useful--e.g., for fur, whale oil, hides, magical ingredients, etc. Are there magical beasts, like dragons and unicorns? If so, which ones? How many? Are they common, or are some endangered species? Have any been domesticated?

On Sekiya's eastern continent, Earth animals that live on plains and in forests are the most common, as well as mystical creatures that live in those habitats. Some examples of Earth animals you might see include robins, cardinals, blue jays, mockingbirds, and other wild birds (their feathers are used as decoration on clothing and magical charms), deer (used for food and blankets), rabbits (used for food and winter clothes) squirrels, and many more.

In terms of mystical creatures, dragons, wyverns, goblins, unicorns, griffons, and rocs are all common on this continent. Of these, only dragons have been tamed for the dragoons

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