Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How Gemsinger holds #5: Magic (part 1)

1. Magic use is tied to physical strength, but magic induced fatigue is different from physical fatigue. Having said that, when you are tired from magic induced fatigue, spells tend to get weaker, misfire, and/or just plain not work

2. The rules will not be broken without a very good reason. (and no, Miresa is the hero is not an acceptable reason)

3. The demons have just as powerful spells at their disposal as the heroes.

4. I will try to conceal any loopholes.

5. No innocence cliche here--Miresa gets her power not from her "pure heart", but her determination and desire to save the world.

6. Any magic use by either side will be properly detailed.

7. My magic does have weaknesses--the magic induced fatigue, taking the instrument or weapon away, or not knowing (or forgetting) the spell's name, to name some.

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