Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ultimate Character Profile: Miresa (part 2)

12. Do you have any scars? Tattoos? Birthmarks? Other unique physical features?

Nope--no markings here

13. Do you have any physical strengths/weaknesses? If so, what are they?

She is a very good swordfighter, and quite agile. Despite her agility, she has two left feet.

14. Do you have any mental strengths/weaknesses? If so, what are they?

While she enjoys watching a well done performance, she is terrified of getting up onstage herself, unless it is to play music.

15. Are you right or left handed?

She is right handed


16. List three quirks or defining characteristics

She knows how to bounce back from a bad situation, cannot cast a spell to save her life, and is never without a smile.

17. Do you have a commonly used phrase?

She does not have a catchphrase

18. What is your earliest memory?

Hearing the story of the Gemsinger for the first time from Lyri

19. How much schooling have you had? Did you enjoy it?

She has the equivalent of an eighth or ninth grade education, and generally enjoyed it

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