Monday, May 11, 2009

Sekiyan Food, Day 3

How many meals are considered normal in a day? When are they served? Which are substantial, and which are smaller? Are certain foods (e.g., eggs and bacon) reserved mainly for a particular meal (breakfast)?

Sekiyans get three square meals, plus smaller snacks if they feel hungry in between meals. Lunch and dinner tend to be the bigger meals (some races consider lunch the big meal, and others consider dinner the big meal).

Typically, breakfast is served shortly after the house's occupants wake up, lunch around noon, and dinner around 6 PM; but the daily schedule of the particular family may make mealtimes earlier or later (the largest meal of the day may also begin earlier or later depending on who you are eating with and how elaborate the meal is)

Food may be eaten at any time, so even on Sekiya, it's normal to see someone having cereal at 7 PM (so to speak)

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