Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sekiyan Medicine, Day 11

Last question on this topic:

How much do the physical differences between human and non-human races affect their medical treatment? Are there some diseases that only affect non-humans, or only humans? Are some treatments lethal to one species but effective in another? Do doctors have to specialize in non-human medicine in order to do a good job of it?

The differences between races and treatments are fairly small: elves respond better to natural cures, dwarves are more suspectible to heat-induced diseases (as they are not used to the sun), avris can also catch some avian diseases because of their anatomy being a blend of bird and human, and fairies need very small doses of medicine or Holy magia compared to humans.

Healers learn about how to care for non-humans as part of their training, but the decision to specialize is the choice of the healer

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