Friday, October 23, 2009

Viginette #12--Prologue first draft

The low rumble of thunder echoed throughout the temple as a group of children made their way through the temple foyer, past the worship hall, and around a corner into a room filled with books of all kinds. One of them, an auburn haired girl with two braids encircling her head, was particularly excited to be there--hearing stories from the Seer was way more interesting than listening to Miss Kurial drone on for hours about kings and queens long since dead.

"Lady Seer, I entrust my class to you this afternoon--the rain and thunder are making them antsy and unwilling to pay attention." she heard Miss Kurial say to the female elf clad in the ornate white robe with colored swirls Seers wore. She clasped her hands together along with her classmates and waited for the elf's response.

After a few tense seconds, the elf also clasped her hands and pointed them at the class. "Welcome, class of Kurial Damis...I have much to tell you today."

Now that the class was officially welcomed, the children walked over to a rug in the center of the floor, and sat down facing the elf. While her classmates would chatter amongst themselves, Miresa just watched the rain that was pounding the temple window--what tale would the Seer tell today? She had learned the elf's name, Galileth Moonblade, some months before, when the elder had formally installed her as Seer of Telrain. While she wasn't sure why some townspeople were so afraid of an elf interceding before the Goddess for a town mainly consisting of humans, the elven Seer had quickly won over many families in Telrain with her soft spoken demeanor and kind heart--so much so that she had earned an affectionate nickname among the children--Galia.

The thumps of the elf organizing a few books and other supplies and another rumble of thunder snapped Miresa back to the present--Galia was about to begin class.

"I see all are present today. Good." Galia smiled as she surveyed the children seated before her. "Today we will discuss one of the world's best known legends--the legend of the one that can wield all Twelve Stones' power. Who can tell me what the popular name for this being is?"

Miresa's hand shot up before anyone else could answer. "Yes, Miresa Selvan?"

"This being is named the Gemsinger." Miresa confidently answered--almost any Sekiyan would know this, she thought.

"Very good." Galia smiled. "The story goes that when Sekiya is in great danger, the Holders that guard the Twelve Stones disappear in some way, and the Stones themselves flee to places filled with many traps and trials to deter the demon lord or other dark beings from finding them."

"But what happens if the demon lord does find them, Lady Galia?" a boy asked.

"Then the world itself feels the effects of the corrupted stone--the wind blows out of control, storms blow up on the sea, and the earth withers away, to name some examples." Galia replied. "The only one worthy of rescuing the Stones from these dungeons is the Gemsinger, whose heart shines with all twelve colors of magia." Some thunder rumbled outside to illustrate Galia's point.

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