Saturday, January 17, 2009

A rough description of Sekiya's East Continent

In lieu of a map, this rough description will have to do.

Upon arrival from the Saphir Sea, it is only a quick walk down the beach and up a small hill to reach the coastal town of Neras. After gathering supplies, going west down the coast will lead to the Crags of Onyx, where it is said evil beings dwell. At the eastern edge of the coast is an entrance to the Forest of Dawn, but going north will take you to the Glittering Plains. Gemsinger's Point lies about 150 miles north of the coast. Most of the humans chose to settle either on the plains or in the valleys and hills nearby rivers, with the human capital city sitting close by the source of the Aoi River, a tributary of the Mizuiro. A few human settlements are close by the forests, where they trade with other humans and the elves.

Once at Gemsinger's Point, you can travel in four different directions: You can return to the coast by going south, continue northward to the Highlands of Moonwish; which border the Rubis Mountains, go east to the Forest of Dawn and the Emerald Canyons, en route to the Breezesong Plains; or go west to the Windsinger Hills, through the Redwing Desert, and onward to the Woods of Waking.

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