Monday, January 19, 2009

Some of the East Continent's notable features

--In the northern mountains, there lies a cliff that looks very much like a dragon. Dwarven lore says the cliff was formed by a dragon chasing the Stone of Fire, but the stone threw off its pursuer by flying skyward, causing the dragon to crash land into the mountain. Some dwarves say that dragons have actually nested inside the cliff and its catacombs, earning it the name of Wyvern's Cliff.

--Nearby one of the many villages dotting the plains is a large rock formation capped by a point, where it is said the fourth Gemsinger cast an Earth spell to evade a jealous lord bent on trying to become the Gemsinger himself by absorbing the true Gemsinger's powers. Today, the rock is known as Gemsinger's Point, and is used as a reference point for all travelers on the plains. Going north will eventually take you into the northern hill country, going south will lead to a coastline, going west will take you into the western hill country, where you'll eventually wind up in the desert before reaching the forest on the western coast, and going east will take you into the large Forest of Dawn, which takes you to the canyons of the drylands before reaching the plains of the eastern coast.

--On the eastern edge of the Forest of Dawn lies the Emerald Canyons, which were said to have been the first thing formed when the Stone of Earth landed on the newly created world. It first sliced through the large rock that was present nearby the warm realm where it landed, creating the ornate rock formations and caves of the canyons. Once it had completely cut through the rock, the Stone of Water added the Mizuiro River that currently flows through the canyons. --With the canyons completed, the Stone of Earth reversed course and created the Forest of Dawn, named because the fact it is always sunny there, thanks to its proximity to the canyons. Because of its pleasent year round temperatures, the first elves established their first settlement there, which ultimately became the elven capital city.

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