Friday, June 14, 2013

Summer of Lore #14: Araniel's Victory

 About the story:

A tale from Fion's family history, his sister Araniel is a renowned adventurer, and like any proud brother, Fion likes to brag about her adventures. He is very careful to get the details right, so it annoys him when minstrels and other tellers alter any of the details  (but he acknowledges that if the tales don't evolve, the art of storytelling is pretty much dead)

The basic bones of the story(as Fion tells it):

One day, Araniel is on the run from wildcats in the forest and stumbles on a village about to have a tournament. A minstrel sees her arguing with the guards about signing up, and convinces the guards that she too can sign up.The guards buy the minstrel's story, and allow her to compete. She ends up handily winning the tournament!

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