Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Summer of Lore #18: "The Royal Singer", a Play of Shokiyu

One of Dorian's most memorable moments on stage was not even a character in the play, but rather narrating an adaptation of the first episode of the Second Gemsinger's story--one of the most popular Shokiyan plays.

Some adaptations do add a speaking minstrel role to the story, but for our purposes, this adaptation does not. It is also one of the longer Shokiyan plays to perform, clocking in at 7-9 hours in its entirety. Luckily, abridged versions and single episodes are also available.

In addition to the main roles (the noble, his family, the king, the Seer, and thousands of extras), fish, birds, fairies, and elves are involved in the plot.

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