Saturday, June 8, 2013

Summer of Lore #8: The Second Appearing

About the story:

This is the first episode of the Second Gemsinger's adventure, detailing his awakening and how he overthrew a cruel king with his newfound power. It is generally agreed that the Second Gemsinger was of noble birth, but his ranking depends on whoever is telling the story. It is one of the longer stories, so it is itself often split into several episodes.

When Dorian tells it, he prefers to make him a lord of the court

The basic bones of the story:

A long time ago, the humans of Shokiyu cried under the oppression of a cruel king. A lord of the court (the noble's ranking differs depending on who is telling) hears the rumors of the king trying to summon a demon and vows to tell the people what is really going on under the guise of magical research. He finds out the rumors are true, but when he tells the Seer what he discovered, he learns of a prophecy that "a royal Gemsinger will topple the demon summoner, bringing  Shokiyu to peace."

The king figures out that someone knows about his plot, captures the noble's family, and holds them hostage. The noble, meanwhile, busts them out during the night, but when he confronts the prison guards, he actually sings a spell in his anger

Once his family is safe, the Seer opens his heart and discovers it glows with every color of magic (twelve in the novel, eight in the game)

After honing his power and several more adventures, the noble and the king meat for a final climatic battle, and the newly awakened Second Gemsinger wins, putting a kind and just ruler on the throne. He is then charged with the Quest from his new king.

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