Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Traveling in Shokiyu, Day 9

◦How do people find out what is happening in the world — rumor, town crier, newspapers, TV and radio? How slanted is the news they get this way, and in what direction? Is there freedom of the press? If not, who controls/censors it and by what means?

Shokiyans usually get their news via a town messsage board, where notices and events are posted, rumors and by wandering minstrels, which my be slanted depending on how they feel about the person or issue they are singing about. (so if they loved Leria, they wouls sing her praises, or if they didn't like something she did, they would poke fun at her)

The press is reasonably free, but potentially objectional material (eg. inciting violence or rebellion, for example) is reviewed by a team of mages. If nothing is found, it is published, but if objectional material is found, the work may have the offending material magically erased or rewritten to not being published at all

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