Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Viginette #29: My Favorite Things

"What a nice day to go on a walk!" Arune smiled as she felt the spring breeze ripple her hair.

"I know." Miresa agreed as she felt the grass crunch beneath her feet. "Since I don't have any chores to do today, I thought I'd come out here and play a few tunes." With that, she settled down at the peak of the hill, retrieved a newly made silver flute from her bag, and began a spritely melody.

"Insteresting song..." A familiar male voice startled Miresa from her song.

"It's only Bradlin." Arune assured her Other, pointing out Bradlin making his way up the hill.

"I came to ask if you want to look for magia crystals in the river." Bradlin asked as he sat down beside his friend.

"Or, remember Lady Galia will be telling tales on the town square today..." Arune interjected.

"What a dillema...." Miresa mused. "I like mining magia crystals, but Lady Galia tells the best stories."

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