Sunday, December 19, 2010

Viginette #27: Routines

The birds outside jolted Miresa from her sleep. It was barely a few minutes before the temple belltower would strike the Hour of Day's Ruby, and she wasn't quite ready to wake. She closed the curtains with a yawn, effectively shutting out the birds heralding the sunrise outside.

She had barely started back to her bed when she heard the tinkling chimes from the bell tower. Okay, okay, I'm up, for Meikon's sake! she silently grumbled as she made her way to the dresser.

"Good morning, Miresa...." Arune smiled as she made her own bed. "I trust you slept well?"

"I guess...." Miresa groggily yawned as she stepped behind a screen to dress.

Arune waited for the thumping and ruffles behind the screen to quiet, and then guided her now dressed Other to the bathing room to wash up for breakfast. After combing out her messy hair and brushing her teeth, Miresa trooped downstairs to the dining hall, where the other apprentices were beginning to convene for breakfast.

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